We have received many e-mails asking what we have been doing since summer. There is not an easy answer, but a lot has been going on. The Annie Lytle Preservation Group can not accepted any new volunteers because our hold-harmless agreement forms need to be updated. This is one of the many things we are working on. We would love to bring in all the volunteers we can but we legally cannot. We do not own the building to have that authority. The ALPG is very grateful that we have been allowed to work on the building under these agreements made with the owners and it is very important that we hold true to these rules we have in place. Our biggest priority right now is to keep the building secure and the outside looking presentable. To this day, we have managed to continue to do this. Security is there throughout most of the day and night preventing vandals to further harm themselves or the almost century old building. The group still is working on the clean out process, but mind you, a majority of the school has already been cleaned out. Most of what is left is still inside the school because we do not have the equipment to get it to the street.... yet. We want to remind everyone that this group is still very much alive. Working day and night to keep this building safe and eventually into the hands of someone who can restore it. We ask that you please refrain from asking to volunteer at this point because we simply are not allowed to. As soon as we can, we will let everyone know. Until then, keep in touch! This group and the community will save this building!! Thank you, The Annie Lytle Preservation Group |